Lamb's Navy Rum 700ml
Lamb's Navy Rum 700ml
Lamb’s Navy Rum uses a traditional recipe, with flavours of dried fruit notes and sweet caramel ensuring a deliciously smooth finish. Best served neat, over ice, or in a wide range of cocktails.
Lambs Navy Rum, a beloved choice for rum lovers for centuries, is a rich and full-bodied blend of Caribbean rums aged up to 4 years in oak barrels. This 700ml bottle is a classic—deep gold rum with vanilla, caramel, and spices aroma. Lambs Navy Rum is ideal for sipping in a cocktail or on the rocks. Rum lovers favour its bold flavours.
It is a superb choice for any occasion, made with the finest ingredients and perfectly distilled. Perfect for dinner parties, nightcaps, or casual gatherings. Order a 700ml Lambs Navy Rum Australia today and indulge in its rich and complex flavours. Experience the smooth and bold taste of this iconic rum for yourself.