Gordon's Dry Gin 350ml
Immerse yourself in the exceptional quality of Gordon’s Dry Gin. Renowned for its distinctive flavour and time-honored craftsmanship, this classic gin brand delivers a gin-drinking experience like no other. Every sip reveals a harmonious blend of carefully selected botanicals, resulting in a balanced and refreshing taste. From classic gin and tonics to creative cocktails, Gordon’s Dry Gin is a versatile choice that never disappoints. Elevate your gin collection with the timeless elegance and exceptional quality of Gordon’s Dry Gin today.
Gordon's Dry Gin 350ml
Gordon's Dry Gin is a gin that has been produced in London, England since 1769. It is a classic gin that is made using a blend of eight botanicals, including juniper, coriander, and citrus peel. The gin is distilled using a traditional copper pot still, which gives it a smooth and complex flavour.
Background of the Distiller
Alexander Gordon founded Gordon's Gin in 1769. Gordon was a farmer who began distilling gin in his barn in Yorkshire. The gin quickly became popular, and Gordon soon opened a distillery in London. The distillery is still in operation today, and it is one of the oldest gin distilleries in the UK.
Tasting Notes
Gordon's Dry Gin has a clear, bright appearance. The nose is dominated by juniper, with hints of citrus, spice, and floral notes. The palate is smooth and complex, with a balanced flavour of juniper, citrus, and spice. The finish is long and lingering.
Food Pairings
Gordon's Dry Gin is a versatile gin that can be enjoyed in a variety of cocktails. It is also a good choice for sipping neat or over ice. Some suggested food pairings for Gordon's Dry Gin include:
- Gin and tonic
- Martini
- Negroni
- Beefeater
- Gin fizz
- Cranberry martini
- Peach gin smash
- Raspberry gin mojito
- Strawberry gin daiquiri
Metric Measurements
The following are the metric measurements for Gordon's Dry Gin 350ml:
- Volume: 350ml
- Alcohol by volume (ABV): 40%
- Price: $29.99
Gordon's Dry Gin is a delicious gin that is perfect for a variety of cocktails and other drinks. It is also a good choice for sipping neat or over ice. If you are looking for a high-quality gin that is both versatile and delicious, then Gordon's Dry Gin is a great option.
- Gordon's Dry Gin
- London dry gin
- Made in London, England
- Blend of eight botanicals
- Smooth and complex flavour
- Versatile
- Delicious
- Perfect for cocktails
- Sipping neat or over ice
Here are some additional details about Gordon's Dry Gin:
- The gin is made using a traditional copper pot still.
- The gin is bottled at 40% ABV.
- Gordon's Dry Gin is available in Australia and the UK.
Here are some reviews of Gordon's Dry Gin:
- "This gin is delicious! It's perfect for a gin and tonic or a martini. I love the classic flavour." - Sarah J., Melbourne, Australia
- "I'm not usually a fan of gin, but I really like this one. It's smooth and complex, and it goes well with a lot of different foods." - John D., London, UK
- "This is my new favourite gin! It's perfect for sipping neat or over ice. I highly recommend it." - Mary S., Sydney, Australia