Johnnie Walker Red Whisky 50ml
Johnnie Walker Red Whisky 50ml
Indulge all of your senses with a smooth glass of Johnnie Walker Red Label Blended Scotch Whisky. Highly versatile and with universal appeal, it has a bold, distinctive flavor that shines through even when mixed. Johnnie Walker Red Label is now one of the best-selling Scotch whiskies around the globe. Perfect for parties and get-togethers, at home, or going out, we recommend enjoying with friends. Simply mix with squeezed lime and ginger ale and pour over ice for a Johnnie & Ginger. Johnnie Walker Red Label earned a double gold medal at the 2021 San Francisco World Spirits Competition and was recognized as one of the world's top-trending Scotch whiskies at the 2020 Drinks International awards. Includes one 80 proof 50 mL bottle of Red Label Blended Scotch Whisky. Please drink responsibly.
- Long, lingering, smoky finish
- Perfect as a gift or for any celebration
- Perfect addition to your whisky collection
- 2021 San Francisco World Spirits Competition Double Gold Medal Winner