Absolut Extrakt Vodka 700ml
Experience the bold and rich taste of Absolut Extrakt Vodka. Made with premium quality ingredients, this 700ml bottle is perfect for any occasion. Sip on the smooth and velvety notes of this premium vodka, infused with a distinct blend of spices and natural flavours. Enjoy it neat, on the rocks, or mixed in your favourite cocktail. With Absolut Extrakt Vodka, you’re sure to elevate your drinking experience and indulge in its luxurious taste. Try it today and discover why it’s one of the most sought-after vodkas in Australia.
Discover the flavours of Absolut Extrakt Vodka
Absolut Extrakt Vodka: A Bold and Rich Drinking Experience
If you're looking for a premium vodka with a bold and rich taste, then Absolut Extrakt Vodka is the one for you. Made with the finest ingredients and infused with a distinct blend of spices and natural flavours, this 700ml bottle is perfect for any occasion. Let's take a closer look at this premium vodka, from its background to tasting notes and food pairings.
Background of the Distiller
Absolut Vodka was first introduced in 1879 by Lars Olsson Smith, who was determined to create a pure and smooth-tasting vodka. Today, Absolut Vodka is one of the most popular and iconic vodka brands worldwide. The brand has an unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability, using only natural ingredients and implementing eco-friendly production practices.
Tasting Notes
Absolut Extrakt Vodka is infused with a distinct blend of green cardamom and other spices, resulting in a bold and rich taste. On the nose, it has a spicy aroma with hints of cinnamon and vanilla. The taste is smooth and velvety, with notes of ginger and a warm finish. This premium vodka has a 35% ABV, making it perfect for sipping neat or mixing in your favourite cocktail.
Food Pairings
Absolut Extrakt Vodka pairs well with a variety of foods, especially those with bold and spicy flavours. Try it with Asian cuisine like sushi, curry, or stir-fry dishes. It also complements rich and creamy foods like pasta dishes or cheese plates. For a unique pairing, try it with dark chocolate or a spicy chocolate dessert.
Absolut Extrakt Vodka is a premium vodka that offers a bold and rich drinking experience. Infused with a unique blend of spices and natural flavours, it's perfect for sipping on its own or mixing in your favourite cocktail. With its commitment to quality and sustainability, Absolut Vodka is a brand you can trust. So why not elevate your drinking experience with a bottle of Absolut Extrakt Vodka?
Absolut Extrakt Vodka: A Bold and Rich Drinking Experience
If you're looking for a premium vodka with a bold and rich taste, then Absolut Extrakt Vodka is the one for you. Made with the finest ingredients and infused with a distinct blend of spices and natural flavours, this 700ml bottle is perfect for any occasion. Let's take a closer look at this premium vodka, from its background to tasting notes and food pairings.
Background of the Distiller
Absolut Vodka was first introduced in 1879 by Lars Olsson Smith, who was determined to create a pure and smooth-tasting vodka. Today, Absolut Vodka is one of the most popular and iconic vodka brands worldwide. The brand has an unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability, using only natural ingredients and implementing eco-friendly production practices.
Tasting Notes
Absolut Extrakt Vodka is infused with a distinct blend of green cardamom and other spices, resulting in a bold and rich taste. On the nose, it has a spicy aroma with hints of cinnamon and vanilla. The taste is smooth and velvety, with notes of ginger and a warm finish. This premium vodka has a 35% ABV, making it perfect for sipping neat or mixing in your favourite cocktail.
Food Pairings
Absolut Extrakt Vodka pairs well with a variety of foods, especially those with bold and spicy flavours. Try it with Asian cuisine like sushi, curry, or stir-fry dishes. It also complements rich and creamy foods like pasta dishes or cheese plates. For a unique pairing, try it with dark chocolate or a spicy chocolate dessert.
Absolut Extrakt Vodka is a premium vodka that offers a bold and rich drinking experience. Infused with a unique blend of spices and natural flavours, it's perfect for sipping on its own or mixing in your favourite cocktail. With its commitment to quality and sustainability, Absolut Vodka is a brand you can trust. So why not elevate your drinking experience with a bottle of Absolut Extrakt Vodka?