Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin 700ml
Immerse yourself in the spirit of Australia with Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin. Crafted with passion and a deep connection to the coastal beauty of Manly, this gin embodies the essence of its surroundings. The carefully selected botanicals create a refreshing and vibrant flavour profile, capturing the unique spirit of the Australian coastline. Whether enjoyed in a classic G&T or mixed into creative cocktails, Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin offers a truly memorable and authentic gin experience. Elevate your gin collection and embrace the spirit of Australia with Manly Spirits Gin.
Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin 700ml
Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin is a premium gin that is distilled in Manly, New South Wales, Australia. It is made with a blend of 10 botanicals, including juniper berries, coriander seeds, angelica root, liquorice root, almond, lemon peel, cassia bark, cubeb berries, and grains of paradise. The gin is distilled using a vapor infusion process, which gives it a smooth and complex flavour.
Background of the Distiller
Manly Spirits is a family-owned and operated distillery. The company was founded in 2015 by Paul Messenger, who is passionate about creating spirits that celebrate the unique flavours of Australia. Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin is the flagship product of Manly Spirits, and it has won numerous awards, including the Gold Medal at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
Tasting Notes
Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin has a light, floral aroma with hints of citrus and spice. The flavour is smooth and complex, with a blend of juniper, coriander, angelica, and other botanicals. The finish is long and dry.
Food Pairings
Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin is a versatile gin that can be enjoyed on its own or in cocktails. It pairs well with a variety of foods, including seafood, poultry, and vegetables. Some suggested food pairings include:
- Seafood: Oysters, prawns, salmon
- Poultry: Chicken, turkey, duck
- Vegetables: Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts
Metric Measurements
Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin is available in Australia in a 700ml bottle. The alcohol by volume (ABV) is 43%.
Here are some additional details about Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin:
- The botanicals used to make Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin are sourced from the best regions in Australia.
- The gin is distilled in a copper pot still, which gives it its unique flavour.
- Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin is a popular choice for cocktails, such as the Gin and Tonic, the Martini, and the Negroni.
- It can also be enjoyed on its own, over ice or with a splash of water.
If you are looking for a premium gin that is both delicious and versatile, then Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin is the perfect choice for you.