Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur 700ml
Experience the heavenly fusion of crisp apples and warm spices in Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur. Crafted with care, this indulgent spirit delivers a mouthwatering combination that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether sipped neat, mixed into cocktails, or poured over ice cream, Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur promises a delectable journey of flavours. Treat yourself to a delightful escape with every sip. Available in a convenient 700ml bottle, it’s the perfect companion for cozy nights in or social gatherings. Get ready to savour pure indulgence.
The Finer Details
Style – Liqueur
Country – Australia
Bottle Size – 700ml
ABV – 21%
Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur: A Perfect Blend of Flavours and Craftsmanship
Indulge in the exquisite taste of Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur, a masterfully crafted spirit that captures the essence of crisp apples and aromatic spices. Created by the renowned distiller, Moreau Distilleries, this 200ml bottle holds the key to a truly delightful experience.
Background of Moreau Distilleries
For over a century, Moreau Distilleries has been synonymous with exceptional craftsmanship and quality spirits. Founded in the picturesque hills of Australia, the distillery has perfected the art of creating unique and flavourful liqueurs. With a rich history of family traditions, Moreau Distilleries has become a household name, cherished by enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.
Tasting Notes
With each sip of Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur, you'll be transported to a world of indulgence. The initial burst of fresh apple flavour dances on your palate, followed by a gentle warmth of cinnamon and nutmeg. The smooth and velvety texture envelopes your senses, leaving a lingering sweetness that is both comforting and delightful. The harmonious balance of flavours makes Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur a true masterpiece.
Food Pairings
Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur is a versatile companion to elevate your culinary experience. Here are some delectable food pairings that complement the unique flavours of this luscious liqueur:
- Warm apple pie topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream
- Creamy caramel cheesecake with a drizzle of Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur
- Spiced apple crumble served with a generous pour of the liqueur-infused custard
- Crispy apple fritters dusted with powdered sugar and served alongside a shot of Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur
Metric Measurements
- Bottle Size: 700ml
- Alcohol Content: 25% ABV (Alcohol by Volume)
- Serving Size: 30ml (1 shot)
- Calories per Serving: 112
- Carbohydrates per Serving: 10g
- Sugar per Serving: 8g
In Conclusion
Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur is a testament to the expertise and dedication of Moreau Distilleries. This enchanting blend of flavours, in a convenient 700ml bottle, promises a truly unforgettable experience. Whether enjoyed neat, mixed into cocktails, or paired with your favourite desserts, Moreau Apple Pie Liqueur will transport your taste buds to a realm of pure indulgence. Immerse yourself in the craftsmanship and passion that goes into every sip, and savour the magic of this extraordinary liqueur.