Obeliu Crafted Vodka 700ml
by Obeliu
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Obeliu Crafted Vodka 700Ml
Obeliu Crafted Vodka is a premium vodka brand in every sense. From its state-of-the-art silver filtration technologies to its intricate birch and alder tree charcoal filter system, Obeliu is a vodka brand you’ll want to appreciate before you’ve even taken the first sip. While it’s designed for cocktails, its smooth, balanced, soft notes make Obeliu a great choice for sipping neat, too.
Strength: 40%.
Serving temperature: 4–8 °С.
Bottle type: Glass.
Raw materials: Grain.
Type of alcohol: Alpha.
Tasting Notes:
colour: Transparent, crystal-clear drink.
Taste: In very mild flavour vodka.
Aroma: In light of vodka and vodka heady aroma.
Recommended pure drinking chilled. Also ideal for making cocktails.