Bols Triple Sec Liqueur 500ml
Bols Triple Sec Curacao 500Ml
Bols Triple Sec is a crystal clear liqueur flavoured with Curacao orange peel and hints of citrus. Bols Triple Sec is without a doubt the most essential orange liqueur in a modern bar. At least half of all classic and modern drinks are made with Triple Sec or a variant, like Dry Orange Curacao.
Bols Liqueurs, the number 1 liqueur collection in the world contains 40 unique flavours. Bols liqueurs are used worldwide by professional bartenders for making cocktails but are also drunk a lot at home.
They have been using the art of distilling and mixing drinks since 1575, using high-quality natural ingredients such as herbs, spices, and fruits. They find inspiration for the production of our Bols liqueurs in more than 440-year-old recipes and techniques, which are perfected and adapted to modern tastes.