Cincoro Tequila Blanco 1750ml
Cincoro Tequila Blanco 1750ml
Discover the heart of Cincoro Tequila. Born from a mission to craft the world's finest tequila, we hand-select the highest quality 100% Blue Weber agave from both the Highland and Lowland regions of Jalisco, México. This unique combination results in a tequila that is incredibly smooth, balancing the sweetness and complexity of agave.
Our meticulous production process includes slow cooking the agaves and slow distillation, ensuring a depth of flavor that sets Cincoro apart. The result is an exceptionally delicious tequila with beautiful notes of fresh agave, citrus, and a hint of spice.
Our award-winning Blanco is incredibly smooth to sip neat, enjoy on the rocks or in a cocktail, and share with good friends and family.
AGED: Unaged
AROMA: Delicately aromatic with notes of fresh agave, citrus, and a hint of vanilla
TASTE: Fresh agave, citrus, grapefruit, fresh jalapeño
FINISH: Citrus undertones balanced by cooked agave and a faint spiciness