ClickCease Little Creatures Single Batch Stout King 375ml — Porters Lux

Little Creatures 单批黑啤酒王 375 毫升罐装 24 罐


Indulge in the richness of Little Creatures Single Batch Stout King. Crafted by Little Creatures Brewery, this Australian stout offers a velvety and indulgent experience. With its robust flavors of roasted malt, bitter cocoa, and hints of coffee, it captivates the senses. Pair it with grilled steak or chocolate desserts for a perfect balance. Discover the craftsmanship and dedication behind Little Creatures Brewery as they continue to push the boundaries of traditional brewing. Immerse yourself in the world of this remarkable stout and savor every sip.

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Little Creatures 单批黑啤酒王 375 毫升罐装 24 罐

Little Creatures Single Batch Stout King 是一款口感丰富、口感醇厚的啤酒,展示了 Little Creatures 啤酒厂酿酒师的精湛工艺。这款澳大利亚烈性黑啤酒具有浓郁的风味和柔滑的质地,是啤酒爱好者的真正享受。

Little Creatures Brewery 的背景: Little Creatures Brewery 成立于西澳大利亚弗里曼特尔,已成为精酿啤酒领域的先驱。自 2000 年成立以来,该啤酒厂一直致力于生产独特、美味的啤酒,突破传统酿造的界限。

品酒笔记: Little Creatures Single Batch Stout King 以其深沉的乌木色调和奶油棕褐色的酒头吸引着感官。香气是烤麦芽、黑巧克力和咖啡香气的交响曲。口感中,烤大麦、苦可可和一丝甜味的味道展现出来,带来天鹅绒般柔滑的余味。这款黑啤酒提供醇厚的体验,既令人满意又令人难忘。

食物搭配: Little Creatures Single Batch Stout King 丰富而复杂的口味可与各种菜肴相得益彰。搭配丰盛的食物,如烤牛排、熏排骨或巧克力甜点。啤酒的烤麦芽特性和轻微的苦味为这些菜肴的丰富性提供了完美的平衡,创造了和谐的搭配。


  • 瓶子尺寸:375ml
  • 酒精含量:6.8% ABV(酒精体积比)
  • 颜色: 乌木色
  • 头:奶油棕褐色
  • 饮用温度:12-14°C


  1. Little Creatures Brewery:自 2000 年以来一直酿造独特的啤酒
  2. 探索小生物的丰富性单批烈性黑啤酒王
  3. 小动物的完美食物搭配 Stout King
  4. 揭晓小动物单批次黑啤酒王的公制尺寸