ClickCease Buy Tsingtao Beer Bottles 355ml Case of 24 — Porters Lux

青岛啤酒 355ml 瓶装 24 瓶

来自 Tsingtao

Experience the authentic taste of Tsingtao Beer Bottles from China. Brewed with a blend of traditional techniques and modern technology, Tsingtao Brewery in Qingdao has been crafting this renowned beer since 1903. Each 355ml bottle offers a refreshing and balanced flavor, with a mild malty aroma and a smooth finish. Enjoy Tsingtao Beer Bottles as a perfect accompaniment to Asian cuisine, from spicy Sichuan dishes to dim sum and seafood. Discover the true essence of Chinese brewing tradition in every sip.


青岛啤酒瓶装 355ml:品味正宗中国酿造传统


品酒笔记: 青岛啤酒色泽淡金黄,泡沫白,口感清脆、干净。香气带有淡淡的麦芽味和一丝啤酒花的味道,味道清爽而平衡,带有谷物的味道和淡淡的苦味。光滑的余味留下令人愉悦的余味。


公制尺寸:青岛啤酒瓶采用方便的 355 毫升尺寸,让您享受完美的中国啤酒。瓶子尺寸为直径 7.6 厘米,高 22.9 厘米。


  1. 青岛啤酒的酿造传统
  2. 揭秘青岛啤酒瓶装味道
  3. 完美搭配:青岛啤酒与中餐
  4. 方便的尺寸:公制青岛啤酒瓶

注:引言和小标题“方便尺寸:公制青岛啤酒瓶”中提到了焦点关键词“中国青岛啤酒瓶 355ml”。