ClickCease Glen Moray 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌 700 毫升 — Porters Lux

Glen Moray 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌 700 毫升

来自 Glen Moray

Indulge in the smooth sophistication of Glen Moray 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Crafted with expertise and time-honored traditions, this iconic Australian brand offers a rich and distinctive flavour profile. With its perfectly balanced notes of oak, malt, and subtle hints of fruits and spices, it delivers a truly refined drinking experience. Discover the heritage and craftsmanship behind Glen Moray’s 12 Year Old expression, and savour every sip of this exceptional whisky that embodies the essence of Australian whisky-making excellence.

The Finer Details
Style – Scotch Whisky
Country – Scotland
Bottle Size – 700mL
ABV – 40.0%

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Glen Moray 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌:精致的澳大利亚美食

尽情享受 Glen Moray 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌的柔滑精致,它是澳大利亚威士忌中真正的瑰宝。探索酿酒厂的丰富传统,深入研究与这款卓越威士忌相得益彰的非凡品鉴和食物搭配。

1. 蒸馏器的遗产:
Glen Moray 是一家享有盛誉的澳大利亚酿酒厂,拥有令人自豪的历史,它酿造出完美的 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌。他们的专业知识和奉献精神在每一口中都熠熠生辉。

2. 品酒须知:
品尝 Glen Moray 12 年陈酿的精致风味。它提供了浓郁的麦芽、精致的橡木和果味底调的交响乐的令人愉悦的和谐。入口带有淡淡的蜂蜜、香草和温和的香料的味道,余味柔滑而持久。

将 Glen Moray 12 年陈酿与美味佳肴搭配,增强您的品尝体验。其微妙的甜味和平衡的复杂性使其成为烟熏三文鱼、陈年奶酪甚至颓废的黑巧克力甜点的理想搭配。

4. 公制测量:
Glen Moray 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌采用 700 毫升大瓶装,提供充足的份量供与朋友和亲人分享和品尝。

Glen Moray 12 年单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌是澳大利亚酿酒商精湛工艺和奉献精神的证明。凭借其精致的口味、诱人的香气和多样化的食物搭配,它提供了真正令人愉悦的体验。当您踏上澳大利亚威士忌丰富世界的旅程时,举起一杯酒,庆祝 Glen Moray 的遗产。