ClickCease Buy 19 Crimes Sangiovese 750ml for only $ 18.00 | Porter's Lux — Porters Lux

19 Crimes 桑娇维塞 750ml

来自 19 Crimes

Immerse yourself in the allure of 19 Crimes Sangiovese 750ml, an exceptional Australian wine. Crafted with finesse, it boasts bold and captivating flavors that will tantalize your palate. Indulge in the rich heritage of Australian winemaking with this exquisite Sangiovese. Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or seeking a remarkable experience, this 750ml bottle is a perfect choice. Elevate your dining or social gatherings with the unmatched depth and character of 19 Crimes Sangiovese. Let every sip transport you to the vineyards of Australia and savor the finesse of this red wine masterpiece.

The Finer Details

Style – Red Wine
Country – Australia
Bottle Size – 750ml
ABV -13.5%


隆重推出 19 Crimes Sangiovese 750ml:迷人的澳大利亚葡萄酒

19 Crimes Sangiovese 750ml 是一款令人愉悦的澳大利亚葡萄酒,由拥有丰富传统的著名酒庄酿造。这款葡萄酒以其卓越的品质而闻名,融合了澳大利亚酿酒的精髓和桑娇维塞葡萄的大胆风味。

品酒笔记: 品尝这款桑娇维塞的深度和特色,带来成熟浆果、樱桃和微妙香料的香味。酒体中等,单宁柔滑,余味悠长,给人留下持久的印象。


送礼和特别活动:19 Crimes Sangiovese 750 毫升让任何场合都令人难忘。它是送礼的理想之选,可为生日、公司活动,尤其是婚礼增添一丝精致和优雅。其精致的品味和时尚的外观使其成为庆祝生活特殊时刻的完美选择。

鸡尾酒配方:发挥您的创造力,用 19 Crimes Sangiovese 750 毫升调制出令人愉悦的鸡尾酒。这是一个可以尝试的简单食谱:

  • 桑娇维塞雪碧:在玻璃杯中混合 100 毫升冰镇桑娇维塞、30 毫升苏打水和少许新鲜酸橙。用一枝薄荷装饰,享受清爽的味道。

酒精度:13.5% 原产地:澳大利亚 地区和葡萄酒类型:南澳大利亚,红酒 容器类型:瓶子(750 毫升) 密封:软木塞 建议份量:150 毫升 份数:每瓶约 5 份。

无论您是寻求非凡葡萄酒的爱好者,还是寻找贴心礼物的爱好者,19 Crimes Sangiovese 750ml 都能为您带来非凡的感官体验。尽情享受丰富的风味,拥抱澳大利亚酿酒传统,每一口都创造难忘的时刻。